

Version 5.0

Jun 8, 2020

What’s New

  • Added bookmarks and highlights sync

Version 4.0

Mar 10, 2020

What’s New

  • Major UI Improvements
  • Added highlights search feature
  • Added text-to-speech speed control

Version 4.1

Mar 19, 2020

What’s New

  • Fixed some typos

Version 3.0

Jul 3, 2017

What’s New

  • Added the tabs to the search page to filter results for each book

Version 3.1

Oct 3, 2017

What’s New

  • Added pinch-to-zoom functionality

Version 3.2

Aug 30, 2018

What’s New

  • Added new paid features such as Japanese/English side by side, passage lookup, highlights, and text-to-speech

Version 3.3

Sep 10, 2018

What’s New

  • Added Copy Verse (no ruby) as a paid feature

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some pronunciation for the text-to-speech feature

Version 3.4

Oct 11, 2018

What’s New

  • Restored the “Look Up” button in the context menu

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some typos in the scriptures

Version 3.5

Feb 13, 2019

What’s New

  • Added links to Bible verses in Bible Dictionary as a paid feature

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed margin issues on the iPad
  • Fixed some typos in the scriptures

Version 3.6

Feb 17, 2019

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some typos in the scriptures

Version 3.7

Mar 9, 2019

What’s New

  • Added Joseph Smith Translation to Study Helps as a paid feature

Version 2.0

Apr 4, 2017

What’s New

  • Added English text of the Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price
  • Added the switch at the top right corner to show and hide English text

Version 2.1

Apr 13, 2017

What’s New

  • Optimized for the iPad
  • Added English (U.S.) hymns corresponding to Japanese hymns
  • Added a zoom in/out button at the bottom right corner of screen Added settings menu which pops over when the cog icon on the bottom left of screen is tapped

Version 2.2

Apr 25, 2017

What’s New

  • Added the Home button that takes the user straight back to the top page
  • Moved the English on/off switch to the bottom center of screen
  • Moved the cog icon for the settings menu to the top right of screen
  • Added the pop-up settings menu
  • Added more English text to the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price

Version 2.3

Jun 6, 2017

What’s New

  • Added the bookmark feature

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some typos in the scriptures

Initial Release

Version 1.0

Nov 28, 2016